Victory in Silence

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“Victory must be won in the silence of your own being first, and then you need take no part in the outer demonstration of relief from conditions. The very walls of Jericho that keep you from your desire must fall before you.”  Emilie Cady

A common theme throughout Cady’s writings is that God, not you, will work through you to bring about the desired change. Your work is to “be still and know.”

With most of us, this advice probably runs counter to our own work ethic: if it is to be, it up to me. Little, if anything seems to get done sitting around waiting for God to do something. However, Cady does not advise sitting around doing nothing. Sitting in the Silence is a definite activity that increases our awareness of God’s inner presence. This awareness inspires right vision and effective action. The crumbling of the walls blocking your good may not be as dramatic as those that fell in Jericho, but their falling will represent no less of a victory for you.

What we seek in the quiet is a definite knowing that all is well, that despite appearances to the contrary, all things are moving toward a better condition. Going to this inner place is like gaining a vantage point on a trail that allows you to see where you are and where you need to go. With this assurance, you move forward in confidence.

Regardless of your conditions, set aside time to let everything go and find that place within you where you truly know all is well, that God is working though you and through your circumstances in a way that assures success. Once you reach this place of inner knowing, carry it with you throughout your day. Remind yourself often that God, working through you, is bringing order and opportunity for the establishment of greater good in all that you do. Get into the habit of saying, “This too shall pass” as appearances contrary to your desired good present themselves. Stay as centered as possible in your awareness of God as a harmonizing presence. Carry with you the victory you gain in the Silence, and your way will become clear.

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